One in eight cases of cancer in the world is derived from blood cells, the lymphatic system and the bone marrow. The so-called malignant hematopathies, such as leukemias and lymphomas, are divided into more than a hundred different subtypes that are now being characterized at the cellular and molecular levels. Among them there are subgroups

IGTP’s CMCiB has three small animal bioimaging devices: a CT scan, a bioluminescence device, and an infrared device. The latest additions to the installation are: 3Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging, an RX Room for Interventions, a Surgical Arch and an Ultrasound. This equipment will be able to carry out excellent follow-up studies, with the high traceability

Badalona has been recognized with the European Commission’s award as a reference city for innovation in active and healthy aging, with the highest possible rating (four stars). This recognition is the result of the third call of the European Association for Innovation in Active and Healthy Aging program (EIP on AHA) European Innovation Partnership on

Students from Programa d-HEALTH Barcelona have chosen Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol for their clinical immersion in the area of pneumology. This has allowed a Boehringer Ingelheim know firsthand the unresolved detected needs of the patients and the care professionals of the service.