El día que Línea me pidió un artículo sobre los resultados electorales en Badalona, pensé que podría hacer algo de historia y que era una ocasión para explicar algo que interesadamente continúa en el imaginario de algunos pequeños espacios políticos de Badalona. Y es que hay gente, todavía, que piensa que la “culpa” de los

Badalona will bury the highway and make a city. Gone are 20 years of discussions about what to do, and the new government has rejected the proposal made by the Metropolitan Area to create a “metropolitan greenway” for, according to the mayor, “little ambitious”. The agreement of the Badalona City Council is a commitment to

Writing an article about this essential resource and inadvertently – which I don’t want to – criticize the policy will not be easy. I will try to do so, above all, because I come from politics, and I am sure, convinced, that those who govern water today do not want to have to cut it

The price of the city

A person who works full-time should be paid enough to sustain themselves with dignity. Right now this is not the case. This is indicated by the study published by the AMB and the KSNET consultancy where the reference metropolitan salary (SMR) of the Barcelona metropolitan area (AMB) is calculated for 2022. This indicator puts figures

Artificial intelligence

A few weeks ago, Microsoft bought ChatGPT to integrate this Conversational artificial intelligence (AI) into its products. A Conversational AI is a software that you can ask anything, it looks for it on the internet, and it answers you. “ChapGPT, give me a 500-word essay on the industrial revolution for 4th ESO”. He does it

Public procurement

When a matter there are few who know its details, mine. When to do it you need laws, regulations, convoluted procedures and a multitude of reports in case things go wrong, my. And it is that in terms of public procurement, we are a scalded cat. For the abuses of the past, in the form

Ara fa vint anys, VINT, que al solar que l’Institut Català del Sòl té a l’antiga fàbrica de l’Estrella de Badalona hi vàrem prometre la construcció de 375 habitatges de protecció oficial. Fa 8 anys, VUIT, que es redacta el planejament de les Tres Xemeneies, que en preveu al voltant d’uns 400 d’aquesta tipologia. I

Joan Manuel Serrat and hanging tags

A year ago I bought the tickets to see Joan Manuel Serrat. Or Joan Manuel. Or just Serrat. At home, my father had bought a cassette and I got hooked, not listening to his songs from the beginning and in Catalan, but to those from the 1983 album, Cada loco con su tema. He moved

Eight billion

In 1987, the Generalitat launched the campaign We are 6 million, which in one of the advertisements said “… and to govern ourselves and help us progress we all have the Generalitat”. No one will campaign We are eight billion. Who should do it? The UN, what is it that tells us? On November 15,

A few weeks ago, the State government approved the processing of the draft law on transparency and integrity in the activities of interest groups. If you have come to read the first two lines of this article, I encourage you to continue to try to find out what is hidden behind that baroque statement. What