Associació Restarting Badalona.
Francesc Layret 114, 08911 Badalona.
G67521021 - Número d'inscripció al registre: 66477
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Let’s ask ourselves, for example, if subsidizing rent and explaining that this will emancipate young people is true. Let us ask ourselves if there can be emancipation without good wages. No. And there are no good salaries without good companies. And there are no good companies without policies in favor of their implementation, expansion or
Work to achieve “freedom and happiness for all”. This is the reference that the Aragonese president raised during his speech at the inauguration ceremony. He is not the first nor will he be the last political or business leader to place happiness as a horizon when framing the vision, utopian if you will, of his
You, like me, are citizens of the big city. From metropolitan Barcelona. From any of the cities that crown it. You, like me, know the problems we have in our cities. Problems that derive from the differences between our neighborhoods, from the differences between our income levels. The debate on the (outdated) instrument of the
Another article on the great (and perhaps the last) opportunity that the Next Generation EU recovery funds represent? I dare not say anything new. But surely it has been established that one of the fundamental pillars of these funds is digital transformation. All the plans that the member countries must make must meet these conditions
With the vaccination process against Covid-19 already on track, it is time to firmly confront the greatest threat we have as a society, which is none other than the climate emergency. As with Covidien-19, there is no single measure against the climate emergency, but there are several actions that can be taken to combat it.
In 2017, the Cartographic and Geological Institute of Catalonia delivered to the City Council of Badalona a work called Urban Sustainability Atlas, which can be consulted online. Our city commissioned this document in order to study environmental aspects of the municipality related to the quality of its urban green, the thermal efficiency of its roofs,
On such a marked day Restarting wants to share about fifty titles that talk about innovation. Good reading!!! The Invincible Company: How to Constantly Reinvent Your Organization with Inspiration From the World’s Best Business Models by Alexander Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur, Alan Smith, Frederic Etiemble Innocities. Urbanismo, Economía, Tecnología y Cambio Social by Miquel Barceló Ciencia, tecnología y startups
That same month we learned about the agreement signed between the Generalitat and Barcelona Sportstech HUB23 with the aim of jointly promoting a ‘hub’ of sports technologies. Catalonia already has today one of the largest concentrations of companies linked to the sports industry in Europe. In addition, Barcelona is the third city on the continent
I live in that land of equipment that was never developed until we let some houses shared by older people, facing the sea, near the Anís del Mono. This walk is magnificent, the beach endures and those inflatable breakwaters [1] that they put a few meters from the sand, which swell or deflate depending on
Do we progress or regress? Humans have demonstrated many times that we are capable of continuing to find new ways to create economic value and thus continue to progress as a society. You only have to read a little Steven Pinker to understand that “in the last seven decades, humans have achieved a longer, healthier,